Sex and a bad back

The older you get the more things start falling apart on you!

I’ve lived a very full and diverse life, which has also lead to having some very painful back and neck problems. I do my best to keep myself in decent shape and my back/neck from getting worse. For the most part it hasn’t limited my life activities too much, but sex is the exception!

Rather you have bad knees, back or neck many common sex positions become anything from uncomfortable to impossible.

Find your most comfortable position

What I’ve found is that the most comfortable position for me is standing or sitting. On a good day laying on my back is also acceptable.

Now that you know what position(s) you can enjoy yourself, it’s time to get creative!


If you have lower back problems, the standard old missionary position is likely hell. Try a modified position on your knees, for myself it’s not much better.

My creative solution is get her laying in that missionary position on something so I can stand.

Tables are ideal for this, assuming you have one at the right height! Believe it or not one of the best solutions I have is to buy a table that can handle some load and stress that is fully adjustable. I found a workshop table at Home Depot that has a nice wooden top and gear driven height adjustment. I can easily put her on top and have great sex without either of us being uncomfortable. A tip is to put a little something under her hips/lower back to get a great angle.

A modification is a position with her sitting/leaning back on a counter top. Think bathroom counter, where there isn’t really enough room for her to lay back. This can be pretty good but more difficult on her, as she really needs to keep her legs up without anything to support them, which can be difficult over a long pounding.

Bend her over!

Many girls prefer sex from behind, it’s the most common “favorite” I’ve heard. Lot’s of options her that are good for both of you.

Doggy off the side of the bed is a go to always good position. Assuming your bed has the right height.

Bar stools are great too. Do some looking around and you should be able to find one with adjustable height. Have her sit on top and arch her back with a little leaning over while sitting over the edge.

Living room furniture arms are also good and a little extreme for her. Have her kneel on the arm and put her head in the seat. The blood rushes to her head while you pound her into a quiver mush.


If you can handle pounding away from your knees, then try putting her in a adjustable office chair, lower it enough that things line up with her sitting on the edge legs wide.

That same office chair, have her get on her knees in the chair facing the back, arch the back and wham!

Use an arm-less chair and have her bend over the side and grab the legs of the chair on the other side. Better yet, tie her hands and legs to those chair legs. Great position for pounding or spanking. This is a descriptively dominating position! She will be off balance, dependent on holding on to those legs, if she lets go she is falling on her face. You are completely in control of her balance, push her hips forward and hear her squeal, pull her back and feel her relax, at least until you pull more and she is “falling” again.

A hanging net chair with a bearing that lets it spin sounds great, but in practice is more of a pain than a great sex toy. It can be hard to get the height adjustment right, anything but steal chain is going to stretch and flex. And while the idea of taking a girl with a nice tight pussy and spinning her on your dick till you explode sounds great, it’s more likely she is going to explode before you do, and her explosion is puke. And just imagine the conversation with a contractor to install the mounts… “So why do you want to hang a 200lbs heavy bag over your bed again?” LMAO!

With the SD sitting there are all kinds of options. Arm-less chairs are nice for “face to face” riding. Arm chairs are better suited to her facing away. Try putting her between your legs and bouncing.

Sex furniture

Now that we have access to the greatest sex shop in the history of the world, the Internet, your options are nearly limitless. From custom made to mass produced its out there.

Something I haven’t been able to find is a sex table with a sliding top. I seen one in a movie many years ago. It was proportioned about like a weight lifting table, narrow and long. The table top was on a linear bearing so it slides with virtually no resistance. Adjustable “stroke” length of the slide. Adjust able height. Tie points. If anyone has seen one for sale, post a comment please! Might just have to build one myself…

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