So I have this cat that…

So have three cats, Alex, Suzy and Chimalis aka “blue eyes”. Suzy is a all black long hair kitty, literally every part of this cat is black. The pads of her feet, her claws, even the inside of her mouth. She has golden eyes.

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SA is messed up

It doesn’t seem to matter what I do or what device or browser I use all my SA searches are fucked up. For example if I do a search for my state and sort by “most recently active” I get the same results in the same order. It’s been like this since yesterday.

And yes I have done every support would have me do. I’m in IT after all.

Sugar Tips — Communicate damn it!!

I see so many blogs with comments from SBs about how this that or the other thing isn’t right with their SD. But I almost never see something saying “I talked to him about it…”. Instead I see things like “I hate to ask, talk about, mention…”.

Girls!!! WTF!

Sugar is one of very few places where man and a woman should be able to talk about anything.

If thoughts of “I’ll ruin it if…” come to mind then I have bad news for you. It’s already ruined or was never what you thought it was to begin with.

Presumingly you actually made an arrangement that at a minimum set some basic terms like the sugar you will get and give. How often you will each give your sugar. So for example you think you’ll ruin by asking for the sugar you’ve been promised then you either were never in an arrangement or he has forgotten and needs a nice reminder or you’ve been ripped off.