Tag Archives: Sugaring

What to expect as a SD — She’s clean

She’s clean

She will most likely be clean shaven everywhere. She will be free of STIs, after all its in her best interests to stay that way. No quicker way to be a married man and get caught cheating than to pass your wife a STI…

You should be clean too!

The girls you meet as a SD are from a generation that see body hair as gross. While a bit of hair is acceptable, masses of unkempt body hair is not. Trim up, keep it short. No bushes or patches.

Shower you asshole! Trust me most girls if they know they are going to have sex are going to shower directly before getting ready to meet you. Do her the same favor.

What to expect as a SD — She’ll be a liar

She’ll be a liar

You can pretty much count on her being a liar sooner or later in your arrangement.

One of the benefits of a arrangement over a more traditional dating relationship is that you set the amount of involvement between the two of you. It can also be a detractor if both of you aren’t on the same page.

Girls will be motivated to keep you happy which includes keeping things at the involvement level you think it is at rather that is reality or not.

Remember not all girls are going to be liars and not all liars act out of malicious intent.

You as the SD will have to decide what is acceptable and what is not when it comes to her honesty. For example she will likely never tell you she has a BF or hooked up with some guy the other night. But as long as she remains clean and that doesn’t bring drama into the arrangement it’s likely from her POV a beneficial lie to tell you to avoid potential jealousy.

What to expect as a SD — She’s not an escort

She is not an escort

Or maybe she is. Either way you better figure out pretty damn fast.

Some girls look at this as compensated dating no different than if you had asked her out at a bar. Others are flat out sex workers and consider it their full time job to have sex. They are everywhere in between too.

If you want a successful arrangement you better figure out where she sees herself in this spectrum pretty damn fast.

Trust me boys, if you have an arrangement where she sees herself as a spoiled girlfriend and you do or say anything that makes her think of herself as a escort… Well besides being a total asshole for doing that, you have just ended your arrangement and hurt a young woman.

The same goes to some degree if she sees herself as a sex worker of whatever title and you make her feel that you consider her your girlfriend, she is going to not like it. Most sex workers want things simple, clear and to the point. For example most will tell you to save the fancy dinner and drinks, lets have sex and give me my allowance, see ya!

In all honesty, it all comes down to communication! Talk to her long before you are actively seeing each other. You are supposedly a smart man, it shouldn’t take much effort to figure it out and act accordingly.

What to expect as a SD — She’s more experienced than you

She will likely be more experienced than you were at her age

The generation(s?) of girls sugaring today grew up in a era where oral and anal sex typically weren’t considered “sex” and started sucking cock and taking in the ass at a fairly young age. I hear conversations all the time talking about pre-teen girls getting caught by parents sucking cock or taking it in the ass.

If she has been a SB for any length of time, she also likely has had sex with more partners than you have at her age.

There are girls sugaring that are the opposite too, that lack experience of any kind. There are girls that have had a lot of intercourse but never sucked a cock and visa versa. There are girls that have had a lot of anal but are still virgins.

If you have expectations in the sex area, its best to talk about it with your POT SB long before you are face to face naked in bed. It will save a lot of embarrassment and time.